trafpy.benchmarker.versions package



trafpy.benchmarker.versions.benchmark module

class trafpy.benchmarker.versions.benchmark.Benchmark(benchmark_name, benchmark_version='v001', load_prev_dists=True, jobcentric=False)[source]

Bases: ABC


Gets distribution data and corresponding path.

If distribution data does not exist, will return dist=None and the path will be where the dist data should be saved if it is generated.

abstract get_flow_size_dist(dist_name='flow_size_dist')[source]

Loads previously saved flow size dist (if it exists).

This is an abstract method and therefore must be defined by any child class.


dist_name (str) – Name of distribution (determines path to search for previously saved distribution).

abstract get_interarrival_time_dist(dist_name='interarrival_time_dist')[source]

Loads previously saved interarrival time dist (if it exists).

This is an abstract method and therefore must be defined by any child class.


dist_name (str) – Name of distribution (determines path to search for previously saved distribution).

abstract get_node_dist(eps, racks_dict, dist_name='node_dist')[source]

Loads previously saved node dist (if it exists).

This is an abstract method and therefore must be defined by any child class.

  • eps (list) – List of network end points.

  • racks_dict (dict) – Dict mapping racks to the corresponding end points contained within each rack.

  • dist_name (str) – Name of distribution (determines path to search for previously saved distribution).


Loads previously saved number of operations dist (if it exists).

This method only needs to be defined by a child class if jobcentric=True, since flow-centric data have no notion of ‘number of operations’ (in relation to job DAGs).


dist_name (str) – Name of distribution (determines path to search for previously saved distribution).

load_dist(benchmark_name, dist_name)[source]

Loads previously saved distribution data for given benchmark.

save_dist(dist_data, dist_name)[source]

Saves distribution data for a given benchmark.

trafpy.benchmarker.versions.benchmark_importer module

class trafpy.benchmarker.versions.benchmark_importer.BenchmarkImporter(benchmark_version='v001', load_prev_dists=True)[source]

Bases: object

get_benchmark_dists(benchmark_name, eps, racks_dict=None)[source]

Retrieves pre-defined TrafPy benchmark distributions for a network.

  • benchmark_name (str) – Name of benchmark (e.g. ‘university’).

  • eps (list) – List of end points/machines/leaf nodes in network.

  • racks_dict (dict) – Mapping of which end points are in which racks. Keys are rack ids, values are list of end points. If None, assume there is not clustering/rack system in the network where have different end points in different clusters/racks.

trafpy.benchmarker.versions.old_benchmark_importer module

class trafpy.benchmarker.versions.old_benchmark_importer.BenchmarkImporter(benchmark_version, load_prev_dists=True)[source]

Bases: object

get_benchmark_dists(benchmark, eps, racks_dict=None)[source]

Retrieves pre-defined TrafPy benchmark distributions for a network.

  • benchmark (str) – Name of benchmark (e.g. ‘university’).

  • eps (list) – List of end points/machines/leaf nodes in network.

  • racks_dict (dict) – Mapping of which end points are in which racks. Keys are rack ids, values are list of end points. If None, assume there is not clustering/rack system in the network where have different end points in different clusters/racks.

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